Palliative Care
Palliative care is about improving the quality of life of anyone facing a life-threatening condition. It includes physical, emotional and spiritual care.
Managing emotional effects
Most people experience some strong emotions when a serious illness has been diagnosed. You may find it difficult to talk to friends or family about how you really feel; you tell them that you’re fine, when you feel very different inside.You may find yourself giving people other reasons for not being yourself, such as ‘just feeling tired’. If you can find the courage to talk to just one person about how you feel, it can be the first step towards dealing with your emotions.
Dr Kate Granger, was a great supporter of NCPC and Dying Matters and she spoke at a number of events. Dr Granger launched the #hellomynameis campaign. It’s not always easy to talk about death or dying but when we don’t talk about what matters it can increase feelings of isolation, loneliness and distress.